C19Vaccine/Gene Therapy for Children
If a Government can Convince you of Absurdities
They can get you to Commit Atrocities.

C19Vaccine/Gene Therapy for Children
If a Government can Convince you of Absurdities
They can get you to Commit Atrocities.
The question is, how do you take down a Constitutional Repuplic, the answer is "Get the People to Demand It".
Remember the order of business behind the powers to be are as follows "Order Out of Chaos" 🤔 They have given us the Chaos with the Biden/Harris administration for the last 4 years, and now their offering you Trump to restore the Order, their Order.
The policies it will take to remove millions and millions of illegal military aged men will involve a highly "Militarized Police State," once that system is put in place it will never be, nor can it be removed.
The policies to achieve this objective are already in place, they have been for years, Red Flag Laws, Patriots Act, NDAA just to name a few. And now the Policy of using the millitary and deadly force on Americans with the Department of Defense Directive 5240.01 is in place. This mixes the millitary with civilian law enforcement, this is in Direct/Non-Direct contradiction to the Posse Comitatus Act. This is "Not" using "Active Duty Personnel" to "Execute the Laws". What it's doing is allowing the Millitary to give law enforcement the Intel, Weapons, Training, and Analysis to kill Americans. So if your local police department or any other law enforcement agency is given itel from the DOD that you are demed a threat of some sort, whether that be political or some type of health threat, that law enforcment agency has all the federal assets needed to exercise deadly force.
Google says this doesn't give the millitary the right to use deadly force. They're right, it doesn't, it gives someone else the tools to use deadly force.
The new addition to the Directive 5240.01 by the DOD is clearly and end run around Posse Comitatus, plain and simple.
This whole thing is a very deep psyop and the Trump administration will be in on it just like the Biden administration has been, they both have thier asigned rolls to play, Good cop, Bad cop.
The "illegal military aged" invaders are nothing more than an excuse
to take down our Constitutional Repuplic by enforcing the Laws listed above already on the books with "Extreme Prejudice".
Get ready for Military road blocks to have your papers checked in America. And while the News Media shows illegals being killed at check points for trying to drive off, you'll cheer. All the while you will be growing more callused and desensitized to those scenes. You will soon see what a "Militarized Police State" is capable of. Out of fear
you will except the removal of what ever group they say needs to be taken out next, wether it be for a precieved National Security treat, or not obeying new National Health Ojectives inforced by the W.H.O. or the new Stargate A.I. medical branch.
So when you vote, here's your choices, "Covert Evel" or "Overt Evel". The stage has been set, all the actors are in place. Get ready to see things happening in America you never thought possible.
If you know Christ you better hold on to Him tight, if you don't know Him you better seek His face. John 3:16
What's the Answer?
Jesus will show us that soon.
Revelation 19;11
We're not in Kansas anymore Brothers and Sisters, that ship has sailed.
And they'll be coming after you.
Armor Up
Ephesians 6;10-18
Think it's not going to happen here, just wait. Get ready to show your papers at the Internal Check Points.
We all know when the guy in the video says "Are you one of those guy's" at that point they're not going to hand you a pocket consitution, they're going to drag you out of your car.
You will have no Consitutional Rights under a National Emergency by Executive Order directed to catch Illegal Aliens.
They gave us 30 million Judas Goats to lead "YOU" into a Militarized Police State and you took the bait.
They set it up so you had no choice, but they knew you would chear as Trump takes your Freedom away. It's the Ole Good Cop "Trump", Bad Cop 'Biden" routine.
The Third Reich is making a come back.
The Golden Age: was the mythical first period of man. The people of the Golden Age were formed by or for the Titan Cronus, whom the Romans called Saturn. Mortals lived like gods, never knowing sorrow or toil: when they died, it was as if they were falling asleep. No one worked or grew unhappy.
With that said, God will turn you over to the desires of your heart, good or bad, thats the Gift of Free Will.
Christians have been praying day and night for Trump to save them. When in fact God had already given you the power through the Holy Spirit to change the situation in America and the world, you chose not to use it when you had plenty of opportunity to do so. You were rich and in need of nothing. Revelation 3:17
You have now choosen to enter the "Golden Age" with Donald J. Trump. 2 Timothy 3:5/ 1 Timothy 4:1-2. All of this eventually leading to Matthew 7:21-27.
Just as the Jews were looking for a Political Leader, a Man of War to deliver them from the Roman Empire when Jesus came to them the first time, so too the Christian Church is today.
Bottom line, there's no Political Solution for a Spiritual Problem.
Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.
I mentioned in the artical below the Snake would bite you soon after he was in office. I'm going to be honest, I didn't think it would be within the first two days of taking office. This is a 500 Billion dollar bite which will give you a new mRNA vaccine.
It also needs to be rushed same as Covid, and A.I. will be the Scape Goat on why you're going to recieve a new mRNA vaccine.
It's going to cure cancer, probably the cancer the SV40 is causing from the Covid shot.
This shot is going for the last 20% holdouts that have no mRNA in their blood. It will soon be mandated and Orical will keep track of your vaccine status. They say this new vaccine is the "Promise", here's a Promise for you if you're looking for one.
2 Peter 1:4
Do your reseach on the 3 guys the keys to the Temple have been handed over to. And by the way, the mention of MGX, that's Microsoft and Blackrock as well.
God help us.
The Father of the Vaccine is telling you about his "Viscous Bite"/Vaccine every time He reads you his Snake Poem.
When you vote him in, in 2024 don't be surprised when he bites you shortly after he's in office.
You'll know damn well he's a snake then, if you don't know it now.
The Tender Hearted Women in the poem is The "Church".
Never underestimate the most Clever of all the Beasts of the field.
Genesis 3:1
For we Wrestle not against Flesh and Blood, but against Principalities, against Powers, against the Rulers of the Darkness of this World, against Spiritual Wickedness in High Places.
Ephesians 6;12
Just remember when the Devil becomes obvious, it's not his best card, it's his last.
Sounds like a joke right?
Palantir is a Total Informational Awareness company founded byPeter Thiel using C.I.A. seed money. Peter Thiel is JD Vance's biggest contributor in the history of any senate race, $15 million dollars in 2022.
This company uses DARPA technology and does what the CIA and NSA can't do under the Constitution, and that is gather all information on everyone in the world, every phone call, text message, e-mail, picture on your phone, credit card transaction, churches attended. You name it, there's nothing Palantir won't know about you.
Peter Theil is also one of the biggest funders of JD Vance's hedge fund company named Narya Capital, along with Marc Andreessen creator of the Web browser Mosaic, and Eric Schmidt, Googles former CEO. Palantir also developed the tracking program named Tiberius for the Covid Vaccine, allowing the US Military to track each dose and its administration. You can learn more about Tiberius and his/it's roll in the 60 Minutes video below. American's get to vote this year in 2024 for Covert evil "Trump" or Overt evil "Harris" Those's are the two choices you are given. There's no need for me to go into the "Overt" evil of the far left on this website, that's a given. I'm more interested in the "Covert" evil which is not easily seen. For even Satan comes as an Angel of light. 2 Corinthians 11:13-15
JD Vance's rags to riches story, I guess so. 😮
Funny, most people have never felt the need to think of an argument even remotely taking place about being compared to Jesus. Amazing!!!!!!
God Himself has a name, it's "Yahweh", not "Boss". Trump is Coming Back, he will make a great recovery from his head wound, (DAMAGED PRIDE). Christians beware of who you follow !!!
Luke 21:8
2 Corinthians 11;14-15
OperationWarp Speed
All regulations by-passed for the Vaccine.
Matthew 23;9, -Revelations 13;16-17
Only three days and he rose again. Seems like a big deal is being made of this.
Mark 14;58
Maybe the 3 days is just a Coincidence, or is it mocking Jesus?
Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Qatar, UAE welcome Trumps peace plan.
Daniel 9;27 being fulfilled, 1 Thessalonians 5;3 to follow
Israel belongs to God and God alone, It's not for man to conduct real-estate deals with for any reason. The plan recognizes Palestinians rights to roughly 70% of the West Bank.
Leviticus 25;23
United States Spaces Command partnerships with U.S. Air Force & NASA.
Revelations 13;13
A rebuilding of the 3rd Temple Coin. Features Trump along side King Cyrus. Caption "And he charged me to build Him a house in Jerusalem"
Daniel 12: 8-11
Trump is known all over the world, not just America. John 5:43
He was persecuted for you, he's all that stands between them and us. Who else in history had lots drawn for their clothing. Read John 19:23-24
I'm not comparing an ear wound to a mortal head wound, but isn't it ironic that a head wound was suffered? I personally think the head wound John spoke of was a metaphor, meaning Trump's political defeat and triumphant return.
Revelations 13:3
But if there's another attempt it will most likely be worse. You could expect Elon Musk's Neuralink to be put to use. After all Elon is one of Trump's biggest supporters. Neuralink teamed up with Palantir and saving a president would have the whole world wondering after this supernatural leader.
Just a Thought. 🤔
Here's a thought, what if the Blood shed was a ritual of some sort. Notice; Blood on the Right Ear, Right Hand, and Right Foot.
You can go back and watch the video of the assassination attempt. Take notice Trump asking the secert service to let him get his shoe.....whats up with that? Did he get blood on his right foot from his hand when he put his shoe on?
This ritual happens in the Bible, look up Leviticus14:14
Also in Exodus 21;1-6 when a Hebrew slave was purchased he served 6 years, and in the seventh year he gets the opportunity to go free. But if the slave says, I love my master and I don't want my freedom, the master will pierce the slaves right ear and he will be a slave to that master forever.
Question is, who are Trumps masters? Is this some sort of counterfeit ritual, or the real thing? Either way it's not a random act of violence.
You Decide.
Is there a difference between signing a bill to allow abortion, "Overt Evil" Harris, and not signing one so the states can, "Covert Evil" Trump?
Giving the states the decision is like Pontius Pilate washing his hands of the innocents of Christ and letting the people decide his fate. If you're against abortion in America as Trump claims other than rape, incest, and or the death of the mother at child birth, that's the stand he needs to take. Instead he looks like a champion for the innocent to most Christians by letting states decide when to kill the innocent, when in fact he's not. The
Bible clearly explains this tactic.
Matthew 5:37
So, do you believe the computer tracking program named TIBERIUS that will be used to track the vaccine and its dispersion has been named that because it's CAPTAIN KIRK's middle name on STAR TRACK? "Captain JAMES T. KIRK" or could it have more meaning explained in the screen shot of a Christian article I found? I realize the campaign is named "WARP SPEED" which would point you to STAR TRACK, but really? What are the odds PONTIUS PILATE would have anything to do with a person named TIBERIUS and the CRUCIFIXION of JESUS CHRIST. And now 2000 years later, TIBERIUS is back Participating in the Persecution of the Body of Christ again. "1 Corrinthians 6;19-20"
In my opinion this only points to being another piece of Evidence we are in a Spiritual Battle.
Luke 3:1 Tiberius Caesar was Emperor of Rome while Jesus Christ was alive.
Did they name this vaccine tracking computer by chance? I think not.
Armor Up!
So, are there hidden meanings we don't know about, you decide. if you're interested in looking into this further please Pray about it first. There's way more hidden meaning than what I am showing you here, this is just one. It would take 40 webpages to go down that rabbit hole. If you have eyes to see, you will see, If you have ears to hear, you will hear. Proverbs 20:12
The six sided hexagon drawn from point to point on the surface of "Remphan" as shown on the illustration above looks like a very familiar star we see on the News and hanging in some Churches these days. The same one mentioned in the Bible verse above. Acts 7:42-43
Trump 2024 to Finish His work.
Armor Up ; Ephesians 6:12-13
Matthew 23:9
2 Corinthians 11:14-15
Ecclesiastes 1: 9
This is what God was talking about in Act 7:43
If you think the people in charge of what's going on today aren't into this type of warship you are sadly mistaken.
The measure of evil we're up against is incomprehensible to most people.
Armor Up
What we are dealing with here is not the choice God would have for His people. He's given us Free Will to make our own choices in all things, from being conned into putting an mRNA vaccine into our Temple, to supporting the War in Gaza so the 3rd Temple can be built. Unfortunately in my opinion many Christians are supporting and have supported the wrong Temple.
Jesus clearly states in Luke 17:20-21 "The Kingdom of God comes not with observation", you're not going to see it in a 3rd Temple in Israel or supporting the goal of Israel to build it. Jesus continues, to say in verse 20, "Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold the kingdom of God is within you",
It's not in what Israel does or doesn't do, God himself will deal with Israel and separate the sheep from the goats. If you're not able to discern who it is you're supporting as Jesus did in Revelations 2;9 & 3:9 you leave yourself in a very dangerous situation as I believe America and the Christian Church are doing.
So, are you supporting the building of the 3rd Temple, and neglecting the true Temple of the Holy Spirt?
1 Corinthians 3:16-17
I hope and pray you have been guarding, and will guard your Holy Temple with a Righteous Indignation and Great Tenacity. (No Vax)
"Be Warned", if you are Guarding your Temple they will be coming after you as stated in, John 15:20-23. Most likely the persecution will be coming from those you least except. Luke 12:11 & John 16:2
Don't get me wrong, I love God's chosen people, we as Christians have been graphed into that Olive Tree. "Romans 11:17" Buts it's Very Important you understand the difference between the Olive Tree God created from Abraham, and those who say they are the Olive Tree to get protection from ridicule for their actions/sins against humanity. Jesus knew who they were, Revelation 2:9 & 3:9 and they're still here today.
Point being, H.R. 6090 Antisemitism Awareness Act that just passed. Congress has taken the first steps to
Luke 12:11 so when this happens to you, just remember Luke12;12
I guess a good question for Christians would be, Do you think God needs Congress to Protect His people?
If you do, you better start reading your Bible.
Peaching the Gospel will soon be an offensive action in America. Satan is using the Revelation 2:9 - 3:9 people to bring down the wrath of the world on Gods chosen from the blood line of Abraham, Jew and Christian, (Romans 10:12) Revelation 12, God will protect His people and He doesn't need a bill from congress in America.
Congress has fallen for lies from the Revelations 2:9-3:9 group in order to silence the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
It's scary to think this Free Speech opinion on this matter may be Illegal in America now, it should scare you as well. Has it happened before in history? Acts 5:40-42.
Ecclesiastes 1:9
Armor Up !
Have you used your Free Will and given them the power and authority to exercise their sorcery over you? Whether you believe in the sorcery or not doesn't change the fact they do. God has given us the Free Will to decide W.H.O. we will serve. I can only hope you chose, or will choose wisely.
Armor Up
Trying to explain all this Evil and how it's all connected to the vaccine is like trying to explain the Goodness of God the Father in all His Holiness, Just as that is impossible for us to fully comprehend as humans, Romans 11:33 so also is explaining the Evil behind what humanity has had forced upon us. It's an ancient battle that started in the Garden of Eden and hasn't stop to this day. Evil as been trying to destroy God's creation of man starting in Genesis 6 by contaminating our DNA. It once was the Sons of God/Fallen Angels, and now it's Reverse Transcription by a vaccine. The question is, can it change your DNA? Google Fact Check says no it can not CHANGE your DNA. That is a True Statement, it doesn't CHANGE your DNA, it ADDS to it.
Push the button below for the N.I.H. explanation of Reverse Transcription.
Armor Up
The symbol of Sorcery/meaning Pharmakia in the Original Greek, has an ancient background. This is one symbol that's stood the test of time, it's believed to be about 6000 years old. This symbol has survived so you could recognize Revelations 18;23 taking place. ("For by their Sorceries were ALL nations deceived"). There are different version of this symbol but they basically mean the same thing. Some have two snakes and staff, some have wings, etc. Look at W.H.O.'s pushing the vaccines, the Bible says the men that will be pushing Pharmakia on you will be,The Great Merchants of the Earth. The two snakes represents, Commerce and Medical. In the above video's you're seeing WHO the Bible is referring to.
It's hard to believe the entire world could be taken down without firing a shot. It is true we hear of wars and rumors of wars, but those are just distractions with more to come. The real agenda is to get you to fall for the deception that is the vaccine. They'll stay on their course to have all of humanity vaccinated by what ever means necessary. If that means more deceptive practices, you better believe there's more coming. If that means real deaths, then you can bet the farm that will come as well. If you'd like to do a little research on the Caduceus click the button. What you find out might surprise you.
Armor Up !
To Fact Check, click the Button
Please take the time to look through the Summit Brochure for Oct 2024. This is one of many being held in the next few months by different organization. Click on the Picture for more information. You will learn about forced concentration camps and confinement, road blocks, mass death, military on the streets, suspension of the constitution, food shortages and rationing, etc.
Make sure you read between the lines, Just remember it isn't always necessary to have a large outbreak, they could very well put these measures in place saying they are stopping a pandemic. As the W.H.O. flexes it's muscles now with M-Pox they may claim success of stopping it and claim they must take the same measures with "bird flu".
After all if they're going to rule the world by medical tyranny they need to show victory over some sort of outbreak or possible pandemic, M-Pox just may be the Smoke and Mirrors for a bigger performance later.
Bird Flu has the possibility of covering the entire world. Plus it involves our food supply, How do you control people, control the food, this means fishing and hunting as well as commercial food production. Just a Thought 🤔
Holodomor was an intensional event just like Bird Flu is. It starved millions of people. Think it can't happen in America or World wide, think again.
The Bird Flu has now spread to cattle and our food supply in America will soon be decimated. What's the goal?
Depopulation and pulling you into 15 Minute Cities with the pomise of food and shelt
Those who resist will face starvation, for those who have prepared, your food (if they find out about it ) will be confiscated, and you will be charged for hoarding which will carry a heavy sentence.
"The Brochure Picture Says it All".
Geese will be blamed for spreading bird flu to cattle by contamination of ponds, lakes, rivers, and streams and pooping on the ground around them. Geese are on every continent in the world except Antartica. Goodbye Beef, Chicken, and Pork all over the world. You will be eating z-bugs and like it. FYI, Tyson Foods, a major US producer of beef, pork, and chicken is investing in Insect Protein . 🤔 Interesting.
Consult the Stones:
Protect People and Nations with Fair Laws and Just Courts.
Let all Nations Rule Internally Resolving External Disputes in a World Court
Avoid Petty Laws and Useless Officials
Balance Personal Rights with Social Duties
What are these stones relating to? Click the button and then watch the video below.
2 Timothy 3:5-7
Public Law 102-14
102d Congress, 1st Session
H.J. Res. 104
Joint Resolution
and every president after that has signed this into Law This year International Education Day is on Friday, January 24, 2025
To Fact Check Click the Button
Take note Brothers and Sister in Christ, this is about to be a thing around the world and America soon. Israel National News reports "Donald J. Trump: Champion of Noahide Law.
The Noahide laws come from the Babylonian Talmud, not the Torah. Sanhedrin 56a-b covers blasphemy, that would be believing in Jesus Christ as your savior. According to Noahide laws praying to Him is concidered blasphemy punishable by death by beheading. Luke 12:11
The U.S. Congress officially recognised Noahide Laws into legislation, passed by both houses and the president of the United States.
These laws have also been desiignated as Education Day on Jan 24, 2025, called International Day of Education.
Guard your children aginst this doctrine they are trying to get into the schools.
Again these laws aren't from the Torah reguarless of the title on the video. (Torah), Gods word to His people/10 Commanments. (Talmud), the interpretation of the Torah by RevAshi a Babylonian Jewish rabbi. They believe all gentiles should follow "Noahide Laws". Let me go ahead and state for the record here, Jesus Christ is the Law. Everything is subject to Him, which will come to light soon. Philippians 2:10-11
Click on the button to learn more about the call for Trump to form a new Department of Morality to advance Noahide Laws. Let me remind
Trump Chistians what God says about being under the law, and mixing the law with salvation in Christ and Him alone. Romans 3;19-23 the law points out sin, it doesn't save us from it.,---- Isaiah 64;6 this is who we are without Christ. ----Matthew 7;21-23 talking about those who feel they need to add (Noahide Laws) or any other thing to what Christ did for us on the cross, ---2 Timothy3;5, Noahide Laws, giving you a form of goddieness but denying the Saving Grace of Christ and Him alone. --Acts 4:10-12 Clearly letting you know your salvation is in Christ and no other, including law. ----John 14:6 Clearly stating you will not see God by following the Noahide Laws. ---Do you see anything in these vs. that Noahide Laws are compatible with as a Christian?
If you don't care to look up any of these vs, at least look up 2 Timothy 3:5 this is telling you about Noahide laws and denying the power in the Saving Grace of Jesus Christ in the end times, "which we are in". This is an older article from Trumps first term but will come to light again soon.
Armor Up
To Fact Check Click the Button
I would like to state for the record. I have a Jewish counter parts they are my Brothers and Sisters. We are of our Father in Heaven and we will soon be united under Christ. Romans 9:27.
But the idea you can't speak out about the Evil called out in (Revelation 2;9/3;9) in this video without being labeled an "Anti-Semetic" or "Neo-Nazi" were layed out decades, maybe even centuries ago and are currently backed by our government today. Make no mistake, Trump said Isreal will be made great again, this is "Political Zionism", not a "Godly Zionism" when God brings His people back to Zion it will be by Jesus Christ and by no other, not by a political leader, or killing every Palestinian, or enslaving every Christian with Noahide Laws.
Here's what "Political Zionist" laws look like. (H.R.6090-118th Congress Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023)
Take note how many times this Rabi talks about killing non-jewish people when discussing Noahide Laws in the video.....I did it for you, he says the word kill 38 times in a 40 minute video.
The ones trying to take Isreal back (Politically) without Jesus Christ will answer for it one day. Revelation 3:9
2015 Klaus Schwab is telling you the vaccine is changing you/your DNA, listen for yourself. When he speaks of ethical problems I think we can all grasp that. But when he says LEGAL Problem he's talking about the fact you have Patented Intellectual Properties in your body. Those mRNA/DNA/Spike Protein Code /Nanoparticals don't belong to you. All those products have a patent number, or numbers that Pfizer, J&J, Moderna and others are fighting over. Ownership of you via their product is what they're after. The flunkies like Schwab, Gates, Fauci, Musk with his Star Link internet of things, and the list goes on are just being used by a much higher power, one who is way above man.
All these men and their technology are being used to tie you up so your House/Temple can be plundered.
Mark 3:27
You Decide how to Suit up for this Battle, Choose Wisely your Soul is Riding on it.
Armor of God Ephesians 6;11
The Helmet of Salvation, Breastplate of Righteousness, Sword of the Spirit, Shield of Faith, Belt of Truth, and our Feet Shod with the Gospel of Peace.
Armor of Man
Face mask, Face shield, Rubber gloves,Hand sanitizer, Standing 6 feet apart, Staying away from Friends & Family, and the mRNA/DNA Vaccines.
Trust in Christ and Stand with
your Brothers and Sisters.
Armor Up.
Prions are unprecedented infectious pathogens that cause a group of invariably 100% fatal neurodegenerative diseases by an entirely Novel Mechanism. Basically they're just rouge proteins.
That's funny, I just came across an article in Nature about the Pfizrrr mRNA vaccines making "Unintended or Off Target Proteins" It's called, N1-methylpseudouridylation of mRNA and it causes +1 ribosomal frame shifting, "Yes that's really a thing" 😵💫
Some how the mRNA code is not stopping at the right code length, or ribosomal stopping point, it can shift.
The code then gets either to long or to short before it stops do to the coded letters breaking rank and jumping to the next group of letters in the Protein sequence.
Those would now be Novel Protiens being printed/Produced by your body. 🤔 Not Covid 19 spike proteins.
No one would even know what these proteins are without some deep research.
They're going to blame the coming Prion Decease on the beef we eat, or the deer you shot, or the wild hog or turkey you hunted. Prion Disease is coming, it's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when.
Note: The man in the video is speaking of Iron Oxide.
Let's entertain the Bible verse in Daniel 2:43 where he/Daniel see's "the Iron mixed with miry clay and they Mingle themselves with the seed of men".
Isaiah 64:8 says "God is the potter and we are the Clay". So the meaning of Iron mixed with miry clay could be a HighTech vaccine containing an Iron Oxide delivery system mixed with clay/humans to deliver the seed or mark. When I say HighTech, I mean to the likes of which you could never imagine.
The FDA has approved the use of Iron Oxide Fe304 for use in medical applications, everything from contrast agents and or transporting drugs in the human blood stream since 2009. Fe3O4/Iron Oxide nano-particles can also cross the Blood Brain Barrier, that's why it's used. The BBB is like Fort Knox to the human body.
Fun Facts about the making and development of the Covid 19 vaccine.
1. It uses HEK 293, an "Immortal" cell line (is this the seed Daniel is talking about?) taken from an aborted female fetus (Parents Unknown) in the early 1970's.
2. To make this "already immortal" cell line even better so it can reproduce decade after decade and never change and or die, (Revelation 9:6 🤔) they add SV40, that's a DNA simian virus called "Cancer".
3. It also uses Fetal Bovine Serum taken from a pregnant Cow during slaughter, the Fetus is Stabbed in the heart for the blood with no anesthesia given.
4. These products are used in the making and testing of your vaccine, and Iron Oxide is used to deliver the final product. And that product would be delivered by using CRISPR CAS 9 gene editing technology that causes your body to produce a foreign spike protein not naturally formed by humans. One more interesting thing, we get the word vaccine from the latin word "vacca" which means cow.
1-4 Can be found on the N.I.H. website.
Here's some more observations I've made they may mean something or they may not, you decide.
Did you know when Moses came back from Mt. Sinai after 40 days he found the Israelites worshipping a Golden Calf ? This calf was modeled after Baal in so much it was a cow.
Baal is a Pagan Idol, it's a man with a Bulls head. I fine it funny that Fetal Bovine Serum is used with the vaccine. 🤔 Will Jesus return only to find His people doing the same thing, putting their faith/trust in the science and a Bovine product?
Also did you know man is a Carbon based life form? The atomic number for Carbon is 6. Meaning, 6 Protons, 6 Electrons, and 6 Neutrons. 666. Yes, I do know of carbon 12 and others but if you Google Carbon this is what pulls up. Could the "Number of A Man" spoken of in Revelation 13:18 mean Humanity/Man?
Most Christians are trying to pin the number 666 to a single man what if John was telling us it's what man is made of. Carbon 666, remember he wouldn't have had any idea about a vaccine that would be formulated using an Immortal Cell Line of Man that would alter your DNA.
Just a Thought.
I also find it strange that the Covid Vaccine uses a "Single Aborted Human Fetus" in its development. And to be absolutely clear it isn't several fetus's it's only one used over, and over again, since the early 1970's,
Note: Parents Unknown, you gotta wonder where and who's DNA it belonged to.🤔
This Immortal cell line has been around for decades, is it possible they could have just figured out how to edit your genes with this cell line using GRISPR CAS 9 technology. 🤔
The vaccine is an out right attack on the 3rd Temple, the one not built by hands. Matthew 24:15 and 1 Corinthians 3:16, also 1 Corinthians 6:19-20.
I know most Christians are taught they won't see the things in these verses happen and it's speaking of a physical temple and a physical man.
I'm not saying that won't happen at some point, but when it does, it's going to be to late to argue with him claiming to be god.
By that time he will be many peoples god, unfortunately.
Watch the 60 Minutes video below if you'er still reading at this point, you'll see Tiberius come back to life in Operation Warp Speed to persecute the Body of Christ/Your Temple.
1 Corinthians 3:16-17
I'm not claiming my thoughts or comments are 100% gospel, I am however hoping they make you think outside the box a little using the Holy Spirit and Decrement. Break away from the 80 year old Bible prophecy that's been taught from every Bible seminary for decades. They didn't see what you're seeing now. Remember the Pharisees studied Bible prophecy day and night their entire life and yet didn't recognize Jesus when He stood right in front of them. They were looking for something and somebody totally different.
Things are being revealed every day, keep adding Oil to those Lamps (Matthew 25) as you see these things happening. Never get stuck in a mindset, or teaching that keeps you from always seeking Gods face on a daily basis for answers and guidance. For when they tell you they have it all figured out, God may have something totally different in mind. Because none of us have all the answers, and I truly believe that's by Gods design.
Here's a good read if you have the time.
Patent No. US 9,539,210,B2
Godspeed to all God's People
John 14;6
Jesus said unto them, "I AM the WAY, the Truth, and the LIFE; no man cometh unto the Father but by me.
John 3;16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not parish, but have everlasting Life. Seek His face, and He will SHOW YOU the WAY.
Is using Monkey poop causing M-Pox, Enquiring Minds want to know.
Impossible , there's no way the CDC or FDA would allow such a thing.
So we're all in a hurry to get vaccinated and vaccinate our children, this one should work great. I mean if you're trusting the science and science happens to make a bad patch, a cold would be nothing compared to rabies. Or off target proteins made from a rabies virus.
I happen to be watching the Flintstones while loading this info, Fred and Barney were going to a fight that night, very funny. You might want to research this rabies stuff out yourself, I could've gotten distracted.
Click the Button below.
To Fact Check Click the Button
This ones a great vaccine, it's old school and similar to traditional vaccines, just like Birds and Jet Airplanes are Similar. 🤡
Here's how your Baculovirus works, remember this is what they are using to make Novavax. 💀
The great people that brought you human strains of AIDS, COVID 19, MONKEY POX, Marburg, and BIRD FLUE by using gain of function (Making Chimeras) now say you can get your vaccine by mail. Biden and Gates are calling this next pandemic "Pandemic 2". The lockdowns will be so extreme on this go around you won't be leaving your house to get your "vaccination". "That will surely get your attention"
N.I.H., CDC, FDA, Pfizer, Moderna, and Bill Gates are preparing for Pandemic 2. It might be wise to do the same. (Get Food)
Armor Up !
How lucky are we as Americans to have a president and his friends/controlers who can see the future. I would take what they're telling you very seriously. Please prepare for what's coming, spiritually, mentally, and physically as best you can. Time is running out to do so.
Armor Up !
Once Covid 19 has been proven to be a Bio-Weapon, Operation Warp Speed will be pushed to Full Power. You'll be required to be vaccinated, ROUND 2 = This one is ,"The One That Works" as Biden would say, regardless of adverse effects. If you choose not to be vaccinated, you will be considered a "Bio-Terrorist". At that point you won't have access to the new CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency). You won't buy, sell, or trade without it.
This is what the 7% vaccine "hold outs" will be faced with. The days of the free beer and doughnuts have come to an end, Now you'll need to exorcise your God given Free Will, but it's going to cost you. You'll need to choose who you will serve. This explains what the Bible says about "Causes All" not "Forces All".
As for Me and My House, We Will Serve the Lord
Revelation 13;16-17
Armor Up
Joshua 24:15
Two men operating two separate tech companies telling you how mankind is being destroyed today and where the helps coming from. Elon Musk founder and CEO of Space X and many other companies, and Geordie Rose found of Kindred and D Wave Quantum Computing.
Before Satan could make his last ditch effort to destroy mankind he needed to wait for man to develop the technology that summons the demons of the End Days.
That would be Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence inhabited by the Old Ones/Spirits.
I know that sounds crazy, but that's not my opinion, they're actually telling you this. But because our minds find this to be impossible or unimaginable, they're able to tell us the truth, which they are required to do.
Don't make the mistake of thinking there will be some futuristic robots wreaking havoc on humanity, that's only in the movies, there will be plenty of humans willing to do the dirty work for the A.I. system, they're already here and in place.
God gave us Free Will and to use our Free Will we must have truth. This is true for Satan's entire plan from front to back. The End time Kingdom will be Iron (A.I.) mixed with Clay (Man). Daniel 2;43
It's Truth hidden in plain sight, you either hear what they're telling you, or you don't.
Revelation 17:13
Ephesians 6;12, God isn't joking.
Armor Up
It's up to us to preserve for our Children and Grandchildren what we have enjoyed. Don't let their Fear Tactics and Propaganda scare you into Silence
Isaiah 41;10
2 Thessalonians 2;10-11
This video is 6 years old, it's long, doesn't sound good, and its hard to listen to. But if you want to know what the future holds for you listen to this and you will see the system that will be turned on you. She is talking about Jade Helms, a military exercise that took place 6 years ago using A.I. (Artificial Intelligence). She had no idea about the vaccine and the control it gives the government, This is the mark of the Beast system she is explaining. Satan is not omni present like God he can only use technology as a counterfeit measure. Believe it or Not.
Armor Up, for your enemy is at the gates.
Revelations 13;16-18
Rumor has it graphene is in the vaccine. I couldn't tell you one way or the other as the safety data sheet you get with any medicine you take doesn't exist concerning the covid vaccine packaging.
I'm looking at a safety data sheet for an antibiotic as I type this. Unfolded it's 10 inches wide, 3 feet long, printed on both sides, with print 1/3 the size of what you're reading now. That's for an every day run of the mill antibiotic, not a cutting edge mRNA high technology vaccine that was approved for emergency use in 9 months. mmmmmm🤔
Remember how Covid went 🤔? No Vaccine available at first, they had to build FEAR then offer the Final Solution.
If it's good enough for a monkey, it's good enough for you.
Watch the Video.
Armor Up
Here's one of the next weapons to be used, Marburg Virus is very nasty and has great visual effects for the media. It causes you to bleed out of every orifice in your body. Ratcheting up the fear, but don't worry, they may not have a vaccine for it yet, but "THEY WILL". This mixed with H5N1Bird Flu, will have you eating out of their hands. Watch the video above "Killing of the Mind" and you will see exactly what their plan is. That's not to say these weapons aren't real, they can be real, imagined, or perceived through propaganda and the plan still works. It relies on Fear and nothing but Fear.
Isaiah 41;13
Armor Up
Once Fauci and the N.I.H. are found guilt of gain of function research involving the Wuhan Lab in China they will be prosecuted for crimes against humanity. This will also drag in people from UNC Chapel Hill. Covid 19 will be proven to be an Engineered Virus. Hearings will be held to find out whether the virus was released on purpose or accidentally leaked from the lab in Wuhan. Either way the fact it's an illegally Engineered Virus will be proven and by doing so the population must be vaccinated to stop the damage regardless of any adverse reactions. So, this is just another way of giving Operation Warp Speed and Big Pharma a Boost in the Arm.
It's all about getting that spike protein code in humanity.
Armor Up
It's Time to play "IT'S FOR the CHILDREN CARD"
We've reached the point of no return now. They're playing the, "It's for the Children Card", this is the last card in the deck, it's the mother of all trump cards. They're reaching for the holy grail of human emotion and instinct, and that is to protect our children at all cost. Unfortunately, they aren't above harming your children to achieve their goals.
These people are truly satanic, I hope most of you know that by now.
Armor Up,
You're going to need it.
This Video is FACT CHECKING with a SPIN
They're correct, you can bet Congress, their families, and staff won't be forced to take the vaccine when the next plandemic hits. But, you won't be forced either. Watch the "Digital Currency" video below. There's where the control lies, having the ability to shut off your money with the flip of a switch if you're not vaccinated. No vaccine = No Money". They shall cause you to take it, not force you.
Revelation 13:16
Armor Up
CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) You won't buy or sell without your vaccine. This will not happen upon the launch of these CBDC's but will follow shortly after you are using them. They want this system up and running before using the power of turning your currency off.
The people/satan behind this want what they can't buy with any amount of money or control, "YOUR SOUL". They can only purchase your soul if you're willing to sell it by hanging on to your worldly belongings. This is where your Faith should kick in.
Revelation 13:17
Armor Up
They've already told you 7 months ago it has evolved from infecting birds to infecting mammals. This will be one of the trio viruses that will be loosed and or promoted in the near future. This one will be used to decimate our food supply as well. It will not only affect chickens it will spread to cattle or anything around any birds, wild or domestic.
Coming to a Farm or Waterway Near You.
Revelation 6;1-8 The beast referred to are not chickens and cow's. Nor are they Lions or Wolfs. They are the microscopic Beasts loosed upon us.
Big Pharma and Big Brother have the answers. Due to Gain of Function research performed by the Good people at the N.I.H. on SARS-CoV-2, Monkey Pox, Bird Flue, and God only knows what else, they can now sell you the cure. 👍
Revelation 18:23
(Sorceries) Greek meaning: (Pharmacia) English meaning: (Pharmacy)
The Magical MAGA Snake Spell. (MAGA highest degree in the Church of Satan) You're told it's about boarder control and boarder agents, (Note: In many ways it is about boarder control, Heavenly boarders in your Spiritual personal life.) Many will believe he's talking about physical boarders, this is because they want America back and they're lives back at any cost. But, I would ask you to insert the Church into the tender women's roll (Revelations 19; 7-8). Your poor half frozen snake has been Mr. Trump for the last 3 years. He's been revived on Nov.15th 2022. We have a few more months of the total destruction of America under the Biden administration (that's planned) before Trump can come back on the seen with all the answers.
Trump In 2024
When you play with Snakes, You will be Bitten.
Armor Up Christians
You've got to Lie like a SNAKE 🐍
Even He can't help but laugh when he says, "Safe and Effective" on his last message to America. The clown show will continue even without Fauci. He did his part, he always treated everybody the same, rich or poor, far left, far right, democrat or republican.
Revelation 13-16
Amor Up
You've got to Say It like a SNAKE 🐍
You've got to Sell It like a SNAKE 🐍
The reason the Snake says "No Mandates," is because God says "No Mandates". If they could Mandate it, they would. Revelation 13:16 says 'Causes All" God gives you a choice, what price are you willing to pay, or what are you willing to loose?
Think About it.
I wonder if that Snake Oil works on stains?
Adopt the Josey Wales attitude.
Self amplifying mRNA Universal vaccines coming your way, most likely in the form of a patch.
I'll give a brief explanation of what that means if you don't have time for the video. The next shot will program your body to make/produce thru gene editing the actual (mRNA) that you are getting injected with now when you get your shots.. You will no longer need a booster shot because you will be creating the actual (mRNA) strand that's creating the spike protein.
Your body will be completely Reprogrammed.
So, most likely for every one that's taken all their shot's up to now, GOOD NEWS, this will be your last one, and it's funded by DARPA. That's the Department of Defense, you know...the Military.
We All Know You're Out There.
The Internet of Things, The World Economic Forum, The 4th Industrial Revolution, Neural Net, The World Health Organization, Quantum Biology, FDA, NIH, CDC.
They want you,
"If you can Survive the Transition".
We're Not in Kansas Anymore.
Going through pages of scientific studies on Covid 19, and Nano-Technology, I have come up with a theory, and that is, being sick is not always a bad thing. The Covid Vaccines 1st and 2nd shots cause your body to produce, and or they deliver the Covid 19 Spike protein, depending on the brand you take. The Covid 19 synthetic spike protein is meant to circumvent your bodies natural proteins that are trying to destroy or misdirect the Nano-Particle Technology you will receive with those shots as well. Binding the Covid 19 synthetic spike protein around the Graphene Nano-Particles helps protect them, allowing them to target the correct cells to deliver the mRNA/DNA Numbering system spoken of in Revelation 13;16.
Sounds like "sound science" right? But, the Injected nano-technology with its DNA Package and Numbering payload, causes your bodies immune system to go on the attack. Your body tries to form a natural Biomolecolar Corona which would destroy or disable the ability of the nano-particles to deliver the DNA/Numbering system to the correct cells. The Covid 19 Spike Protein you get with your shots is meant to stop that.
This is why you must be re-uploaded like a computer program with multiple boosters. Your system must be rebooted until your bodies immune system can no longer fight off the mRNA/DNA/Numbering system.
By using the Covid 19 spike protein to surround and protect the nano technology it basically becomes a Trojan Horse telling your immune system to "Stand Down" these particles are nothing to be concerned with.
But, by doing so, the jab is also suppressing your immune system from fighting off many other diseases and a wide variety of every day infections and illnesses it would normally handle.
Despite all efforts by the vaccine some of the nano-technology is still surrounded by your bodies proteins. This toxic concoction of Iron & Clay spoken of in Daniel 2:43 is causing all types of serious health problems with a wide spectrum of issues like, heart attacks, strokes, and myocarditis just to name a few.
The mask, is also used to weaken your immune system by saturating your body with large amounts of CO2.
I’m sure this isn’t all there is to this vaccine as it is Extremely high tech. I won't even go into the Gene Manipulation that takes place in your Body/Temple after taking these shots. Maybe after the 450,000 pages the FDA used to "approve/authorize" these vaccines in 120 days for "emergency use" in humans is finally released, at the rate of 450 pages a month. Maybe someone will be able to prove me wrong. Until then, the "Fact Checkers" will just need to sit back and wait, because they don't have anymore information than I do. It's a Trade Secret, it's all protected by Patented Intellectual Properties.
So, Speculating seems Fair and Balanced, just like the Shots are Safe and Effective.
"Just my Thoughts, if that's Still Allowed in America"
Armor Up!